Netiquette Social Media
Dear Hacker-Pschorr fans,
Welcome to the Hacker-Pschorr fan site. This is where Hacker-Pschorr fans from Bavaria, Germany and the whole world meet.
We look forward to all your submissions, photographs and videos on the fan site. However, this fan site will only work properly and be a real asset for all of us if everybody obeys certain basic rules. It goes without saying that we are considerate for each other and that we have mutual respect for each other.
The Hacker-Pschorr rules for Social Media:
1. Respect
Tone is everything. Insults and discrimination in any form to other users are not welcome at any time and will not be accepted by us - any such submissions will be deleted.
2. Content
2.1. No pornographic and/or extreme right-wing content
We will not tolerate any pornographic, racist, discriminatory or extreme right-wing content on this fan site.
2.2. No criminal content and/or content which glorifies violence
The distribution, linking and display of content which glorifies violence is prohibited.
2.3. No publicity or advertising
Submissions, comments, photographs, videos and links must not contain any publicity or advertising.
2.4. No legal breaches
Please be careful when submitting online content such as image and video material which may breach the rights of third parties (for example copyright, personality rights, trademark rights, etc.). This is for your own safety. If you are unsure, please ask
the author or the person shown for their consent.
2.5. No spam
Spam and senseless multiple posts will not be tolerated.
2.6 No personal details
Special care is required for personal details. To protect you from abuse, you should in particular not post any contact details or personal telephone numbers in the public forum.
2.7 Utility rights
If you post your own content (for example photos, graphics or texts, etc.) you give your consent for such content to be used by Hacker-Pschorr for the purposes of this fan site (for example for the cover picture). Hacker-Pschorr will not claim possession of any content submitted by users.
3. Breaking the rules
If you break the rules we reserve the right to delete the offending submissions, comments, photographs and links and to warn the users, block them temporarily or ban them permanently.
Please remember that we produce alcoholic beverages and as such we will not show any images or videos of children or young people on our site and will delete any such images and videos.
Hacker-Pschorr Brewery does not accept any obligation or guarantee for content created by users.
Thank you for your understanding.
Your Hacker-Pschorr Team